Thursday, November 4, 2010


Honestly we moved here to be part of a certain school district (yes, we are those people).  Our plan was straightforward: we were to rent a house in the school district where we wanted Miles to attend school in then, once he was accepted into the kindergarten our lease would conclude and we would move back to our beloved city. Simple right? Well it turns out that where we live we are unincorporated and part of different district. The same district that I went to school in! (Now, I feel like a townie and am looking for a way to avoid mentioning that my daughter was born on the same maternity floor I was.) Huh…our move to the southwest suburbs turned out to be in vein. Miles is still eligible to attend this school, he just goes to the very end of the waiting list, the same place he would have been if we would have only moved to that beautiful 100 year old Victorian just north of Wash Park. Anyway, we are here, for now it is suburbia. 

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